How do I create a customer contact in the Facility Module?

Creating a Customer Contact

  • Step 1: From the left side menu, click on Customer Setup then select Customer Contact. Click on Add Customer Contact in the top right.

  • Step 2:  Fill out the following information: 

a) Select the customer and add contact information and title. 

b) Designate which reports the new contact should receive by checking the boxes in the Order Related Report Access section.

    • Pickup - This report is sent to the contact when an order is picked up from their property. It contains detailed information on the order including order ID, cart counts, cart IDs, item counts, weight, notes, and photos.
    • Dropoff - This report is sent to the contact when an order is dropped off at their property. It contains detailed information on the order including order ID, car counts, cart IDs, item counts, weight, notes, and photos.
    • Invoice - Sent to the customer contact after the invoice is reviewed and approved by the facility.

  • Step 3: Select Add Customer Contact.