How do I offboard a customer in the Facility Module?

This article outlines the steps required to fully offboard a customer from the Facility Module.

Delete the Following Records

Customer Contacts

  • Step 1: Navigate to the Customer Setup menu and click on Customer Contact.

  • Step 2: Scroll to the right and click Delete. Repeat for every customer contact.

Delivery Schedules

  • Step 3: Under the Customer Setup menu, click on Delivery Schedules
  • Step 4: Scroll to the right and click Delete. Repeat for every delivery schedule.

Customer Charges

  • Step 5: Under the Customer Setup menu, select Customer Charges.
  • Step 6: Scroll to the right and click Delete. Repeat for every customer charge.

Item Types

  • Step 7: Under the Facility Setup menu, select Item Types.
  • Step 8: Select the following filters:

a) Choose Customer to see customer owned inventory items.

b) Select the customer name to view their item types.

  • Step 9: Scroll to the right and click Delete. Repeat for every item type.

Note: If there are more than 30 item types to remove for the customer, reach out to for assistance in deleting the records.

Pending Orders

  • Step 10: Under the Management Operations menu, select Orders.  
  • Step 11: Filter by Pending status. 
  • Step 12: Scroll to the right and click on Delete. Repeat for each pending order.

Inactivate the Customer Record

  • Step 13: Under the Customer Setup menu, select Customers.
  • Step 14: Scroll to the right and click Edit.
  • Step 15: Click the drop down under Status and select Inactive. Scroll down and click Edit Customer.

The customer has been successfully offboarded.