How do I set up a customer contact with Freemium access to the Property Module?

Facilities can grant customer contacts free limited access to the Property Module which allows them to view detailed information on orders and inventory management data. This article lists the steps to set up a customer with Freemium access.

Add or Edit the Customer Contact to Give Freemium Access 

Adding Freemium Access to a New Customer Contact

  • Step 1: Under the Customer Setup menu, select Customer Contact

  • Step 2: Select Add Customer Contact. 

  • Step 3: Add the following information:
    • Customer Contact Information (name, phone number, email, and title)
    • Order Related Report Access (if applicable; checking the box(es) will send the customer email notifications for Pickup, Dropoff, and/or Invoices)
    • Check the box for Is Freemium User.
  • Step 4: Click Add Customer Contact.

Note: If the customer is already using the Property Module, the Is Freemium User box will not appear on the Add Customer Contact window.

Adding Freemium Access to an Existing Customer Contact

  • Step 1: Under the Customer Setup menu, select Customer Contact

  • Step 2: Scroll to the right on the Customer Contact page and select Edit.

  • Step 3: Check the box next to Is Freemium User.
  • Step 4: Select Edit Customer Contact.

Note: If the customer is already using the Property Module, the Is Freemium User box will not appear on the Edit Customer Contact screen.

After Freemium Access Has Been Added

Welcome Email

  • The customer contact will receive an email from with details on how to log into their free account on the Property Module.

Dashboard Access

After the customer contact has logged into the Property Module, they will have access to the following dashboard features.

Operations Dashboard

Order Delivery - View expected deliveries from a connected facility. Click on the Order ID or Show Details to view detailed order information.

Order charges

Tip: Hover over a chart or graph in the Property Module to see detailed quantities.

Laundry Status - Shows the percentage of clean and soiled inventory based on inbound/outbound from the property to the facility. This can be filtered by item category, item type, item quantity, and location.

In and Out - Displays items picked up from and delivered to the property by a connected laundry facility. This can be filtered by category, item type, and date. 

Inventory Management

Ragout History - Shows items that have been removed from circulation due to being stained, torn, or unusable due to thread loss. This can be filtered by category, item type, and date.

Commission History - Displays new items that have been added to the system. This can be filtered by category, item type, and date.

Facility Operations

Order Process History - Shows Incoming vs. Outgoing inventory as well as inventory that has gone through the Rewash, Reclaim, and Spoilage processes. This can be filtered by department, order process, date, and pieces / pounds.

Order History - Displays historical order pickup and delivery information. This can be filtered by order type, status, and open/closed. Click on the Unique ID to see detailed order information.

Order charges