How does proximity scanning work and what options are available?

The proximity scanning feature can be used in the event that specific items within an order need to be located when additional action is required. A handheld scanner and mobile app are used during the proximity scanning process.

Proximity Scan Use Cases

The proximity scanning feature is automatically triggered during the outgoing workflow when specific order criteria is met. The use cases are listed below:

  • Missing Items
  • Other Customer Items
  • Inactive Items
  • Not Commissioned Items

Initiating Proximity Scanning

During the outgoing workflow in the Facility Module (website), you will be prompted with the option for proximity scanning if one of the use cases is met. 

Select Yes to proceed, then log into the Laundris Mobile App.

Proximity Scanning via the Laundris Mobile App

Once proximity scanning is triggered from the website, log into the Laundris Mobile app to complete the proximity scanning workflows.

Click on the Proximity Scan tile.

Next, select the order.

Tap the Notification you would like to take action on.

Missing items

If items were scanned during the incoming process and are not scanned during outgoing, the Missing Items workflow will be available. 

If you would like to locate the Missing Item using the handheld scanner, tap the option to Scan for RFID 

Pull the trigger on the handheld scanner while keeping an eye on the meter. When scanning near the missing item, the meter will turn green. 

Once the missing item is located, tap the option for "Add to Outgoing".

The cart list for the order will populate, select the cart for the order by tapping cart tile and a blue check will appear. Then tap Submit to complete. If there are multiple missing items, tap Next and repeat the process to locate additional missing items. 

Other options for the Missing Items workflow include:

  • Add to Spoilage
  • Ragout
  • No Action

Other Customer Items

Other Customer Items are items that belong to a different customer than the customer the order was originally created for.

If items are scanned during the outgoing process that do not belong to the customer you are processing the order for, the Other Customer Item List workflow will be triggered.

After tapping the Other Customer Item List tile, you can begin proximity scanning by selecting the option to Scan for RFID.

Pull the trigger on the handheld scanner while keeping an eye on the meter. When scanning near the other customer's item, the meter will turn green. 

When you have located the item, tap the option to Remove from Bin then move on to the next item. If you are unable to locate the item, the option for No Action can be selected.

Other Customer Item list has been completed.

Inactive Item List

The Inactive Item List consists of items that have been ragged out and are not active in the Laundris platform.

To remove these items from the order, select the option for Inactive Item List.

Next, you can begin proximity scanning by selecting the option to Scan for RFID.

Pull the trigger on the handheld scanner while keeping an eye on the meter. When scanning near the inactive item, the meter will turn green

When you have located the item, tap the option to Remove from Bin then move on to the next item. If you are unable to locate the item, the option for No Action can be selected.

Not Commissioned Items

Items that have not been commissioned are not associated with a customer record and have not been established as a specific item type within the Laundris platform. (eg: pillowcase, bath towel, bath mat, etc.)

To take action on these items, select the option for the Not Commissioned Item List.

Next, you can begin proximity scanning by selecting the option to Scan for RFID.

Pull the trigger on the handheld scanner while keeping an eye on the meter. When scanning near the uncommissioned item, the meter will turn green

After locating the item, you can add it to the Laundris system by pressing RFID Commission.

Complete the dropdown menus by selecting a side, category, and item type then press submit.

The item has now been successfully added to the Laundris Platform. You can now move on to the next item.

If you decide not to commission the item during this workflow, you can select the option to Remove from Laundry Cart or No Action.